Single Name Request:
- Expert Not Found In Database – $15.00
- Expert Found In Database, Information Returned to Requestor – $25.00
- RUSH Request-Add An Additional – $5.00
- Surcharge For Non-Member Requests – $50.00
**Multiple names on a single request form and/or request for experts with a given specialty (i.e., MD specializing in Fybromyalgia) are billed at $80.00 per hour. Generally, four to five names can be researched, extracted, formatted, and transmitted in an hour. The amount of time to perform a specialty search depends upon the difficulty of the requested specialty, but usually requires an hour to extract, format, and transmit. The TADC Expert Witness Library can provide copies of depositions, CVs,trial transcripts, etc. The fee for locating and copying or printing material is $40.00 for an electronic (diskette) copy; hard-copy is $40.00, plus an additional $0.10 charge per page.